Took a spin over to Alameda today and picked up some sandwiches at Dimitras on Park Street. Been getting sandwiches from there now for 35 years. Still around. At one time, there were at least 3 Dimitra's around, but they closed two of them. The owners have retired and sold the one on Central Avenue a while back and it's now a pizza place. After getting our sandwiches, we drove through South Shore, which was renamed 'Town Center' a couple years ago. Construction continues there as several new stores have opened up. It's one of your better 'open-air' malls around. Drove over to the old Naval Air Station, where I have loads of memories from my 'squid' days. Parked near the water and looked across the Bay, etc., and had our lunch.
I read a bunch of
Yelp reviews on the place and there are mixed feelings about Dimitra's. I think that the sandwiches are pretty decent...Hungarian, Texarkana, California Split, Dimitra's sub, the Grecian, and of course, the O.D......I've had a bunch of them through the years. I think that they were a little tastier back in the 70's, but still okay.
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