Thursday, September 4, 2008
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich

Orinda Holiday Bazaar (Nov 1-2)
Just did a Google search on the "Orinda Holiday Bazaar" and I found a couple interesting links to this event, held during the first weekend in November. Check it out. One is my review about the show from last year.
And another link leading to Craig's List "Vendors wanted for 33rd Annual Orinda Holiday Bazaar (Orinda Community Center)'. Actually, I find that rather humorous and if you read my review you'll see why it is so hard to get vendors for this event. I do not want to pick on the promoters of this event... they try so hard and do a wonderful job. However, the problem is the people. The one's that go to the event and the one's that DON'T GO TO THE EVENT.
They really didn't turn out for the Orinda Holiday Bazaar .... and you can read my review to see what I think happened to them... and the ones that do come, DO NOT BUY. I think that this event has seen better days. A great idea but it just isn't going to work out. Vendors have an extremely hard time setting up because no matter where your booth is..inside or outside, you are going to have to carry your things up stairs and for the amount of money that we made last year, there is just no freaking way I will do that. I am sure that this event brings in money for various local organizations and if they don't get the funding they need, they can point their fingers at the local community, who do not come to the Orinda Holiday Bazaar and ran away many vendors by not buying their merchandise.
I have several friends (vendors) who definitely will never go back there and I know that there were vendors who 'zeroed out'...meaning they made $0.00. There were 'spurts' of people coming to the event, but they bought very little and took up space (and air) as they came there just to socialize. However, I will agree that some of the success of an event, does depend upon people meeting one another, etc. and having a good time. But people, if you don't buy from the vendors, you local non-profit agenices, etc., are going to suffer because vendors will not come back.
There are a number of community things happening here and there are a number of crafters who purchase a smaller space indoors and sell what they have made and that is probably fine. However, 'professional' vendors (ones who require a canopy and sell many things at a different show every weekend) can not expect to do well here. Nice library next door and it seems like half the people have a book in their hand or are on their way to drop their kids off for soccer practice. You just have to read my review on this!!!! To the community of Orinda... you people have nice houses, good jobs but you are too damm cheap and stingy and just do not deserve to have such an event as the Orinda Holiday Bazaar.
So, they are looking for vendors and if you sign up for it, it's just like making a contribution to a charity. You won't make any money. Only thing I can blame on the promoters is their selection of music. Frank Sinatra music being piped all over the place is not energetic, buying-type music. Puts people (and vendors) to sleep. If I want to listen to Frank Sinatra, then I'll turn to Channel 11 and watch America's Got Talent, ya know? There's a nice older fellow who can really sing and sounds pretty much like him.
Do You Remember?
I have a special page on my Starving Vendors website which tells about a number of festivals which are no longer in existence.
I thought that this event was pretty neat as it was held at Parkside Hall in downtown San Jose.during the month of November and it always seemed to be raining. I think that we did this event from 1994-1997, which was the final year. Didn't like hauling my things inside, but no choice. Attendance was somewhat okay. Long hours and the crowds dwindled down during the latter part of the afternoon. I really enjoyed much of the entertainment, especially the digieridoo's.
Here's a link to a story about the New Age Renaissance Fair you should find interesting. "People said the New Age Renaissance Fair was a magical place, much more enjoyable than the "marketplace" atmosphere of many other similar Fairs. It was a place for the New Age community to gather and refresh the spirit. It was successful for 15 years"
Edwin Meece ran it back then and now he has the Holistic Arts Fair and is held in many locations. Here's a link, if you are interested. We did a number of the events at San Jose City College and Rickey's Hyatt House (Palo Alto?) back in the late 90's, but people were more interested in psychics, etc.