Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Clovis Big Hat Days Festival - April 4-5

Big Hat Days in Clovis will be held on April 4-5. For an application, click here

Booth spaces are expensive, running around $435 for commercial and A&C. About two hundred dollars too high for me. Include gas and motel prices...ouch. However, they do get one heck of a lot of vendors for this show and also a huge crowd. Here is my review of last year's event: Too
Weather was great. Big crowds, they came out for this one. Show is over-priced for vendors. A lot of people did Manteca's Street Faire, but I would stay away from that one. They added more booths (again) this year in Clovis. We were located all the way at the end of Section J here in Clovis, but that wasn't too bad.

Click here to read the remainder of this review.


Unknown said...

Hm, this sounds like someone that was trying to sell the wrong items or was overpriced on what they were selling. I have done events for years and find that the ones doing the complaining are the ones not selling. If there were 100,000 people there it sounds like the promoters did their job and did it well. The promoters can't guarantee your product will sell. They can only provide the customers and sounds like they did an excellent job doing that.

As far as hearing the same thing over and over from your neighbor during the event, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? I bet the lady did well because she was actually trying to sell her products instead of what you were probably doing which is sitting in the back of your space "waiting" on someone to beg for your product. Did you expect the wind chime guy to tape his chimes so they wouldn't make noise?

Bottom line, you sound like NOTHING is ever to your satisfaction anyway. The weather was nice, the crowd was there and you didn't sell enough to make you happy. Maybe you need to reconsider your product, your sales technique or maybe just your attitude.

Hayward Dave said...

Actually, nobody did well in the area I was in and a lot of vendrs did not even catch the fee. Virtually everybody's sales were down from previous year's.

Unknown said...

But why do you blame it on the promoters? You admitted the attendance was there so why did you blame them? They can't change the economy or force anyone to buy. From personal experience I can tell you that sales are down in all the events so why single out one particular event? Again from personal experience, Big Hat Days is one of the friendliest and by far the most organized event that I attend! Their information is accurate, timely, informative and the staff is just plain nice unlike some other events I can name.

By the way, I walked the event too. I had to walk it slowly because it was so crowded, EVERYWHERE!!! If there is that much traffic how can you possibly blame the organizers?

I did just fine at Big Hat Days and would dearly love to know what you sell or attempt to sell. As in my first reply, maybe its time to rethink your product and change with the times. If you notice, the vendors that do the best are the ones that do change with the times. Next time place the blame where it belongs, it definitely was not on a lack of people attending the event. As with any event, the vendors smiling are selling and the ones that aren't selling, just complain. Just a hint: the public picks up on vendors with an "attitude".morav

Hayward Dave said...

Where did I blame the promoters? What do you sell?