Monday, January 26, 2009

Tyson Wells

The Tyson Wells Sell-a-Rama has just finished and we are between shows, expecting to set up for the Arts & Crafts Show tomorrow. The weather here has been great with temps in the 70's and only one day of showers. The wind picked up yesterday and that is a problem on occasion. This morning seems to be a bit cooler and temps are expected to be in the low 60's for a couple days.

We took down our things yesterday and will load them up this morning. We pulled our motor home over next to our space to block the wind and spent the night here. Quite noisy and a lot different than camping out in the BLM, where it is almost totally quiet. Over here, you can hear the cars on I10 passing by and there were people tearing down their booths late last night. Also, some people like to play their music (or whatever you want to call it) loudly at midnight.

Sales were down here for many of the vendors and you can pretty much blame the economy. They had the Innaugaration on Tuesday and my sales got worse each day after. What's to come!
I heard that sales have been down all over this place...Quartzsite, Yuma, etc. People not impulse buying or just not spending very much, holding on to their bucks. Mostly buying the $1-5 gadgets and gizmos.

Please read my daily log on my website called Starving Vendors where I tell about each day we had here in Tyson Wells.

We will be in Space PQ4 for the next three weeks, so come on down and check us out.

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