Here's an interesting article I found in pdf format about how the big-box stores affect YOUR LOCAL ECONOMY. What really happens when one of these GIANTS moves into your locality. Very interesting. I wish that enough people would realize this and not allow these businesses in your community.
Five Myths about Big Box Retail I have included the first of these myths down below to get your attention. You can read about the other four by clicking on the link.
MYTH: Big-Box Stores Create Jobs
FACT: Studies by independent economists show that big-box stores eliminate more re-
tail jobs than they create.
A recent study examined 3,094 counties across the U.S., tracking the arrival of new Wal-Mart stores between 1977 and 2002. The study, conducted by Univ. of California economist David
Neumark, found that opening a Wal-Mart store led to a net loss of 150 retail jobs on average, suggesting that a new Wal Mart job replaces approximately 1.4 workers at other stores
(The Effects of Wal-Mart on Local Labor Markets, January 2007).
The reason for the overall decline is that a new Wal-Mart store does not increase the amount of money that residents have to spend. Sales gains at these stores are invariably mirrored by a
drop in revenue at existing businesses, which then must downsize or close. The job losses are larger than the gains because Wal-Mart accomplishes the same volume of sales with fewer
Although similar studies have not been done of other big-box retailers, it's likely that they also have either a negative or no impact on employment because the underlying dynamics (i.e.,no increases in consumer spending) are the same
Sunday, December 28, 2008
WalMart, Lowe's, Home Depot - What really happens?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Festivals of Texas
I just found a nicely designed website that lists events in Texas. It's called Festivals of Texas and breaks down into five areas of the state....North, East, Central, South and West. Describes event and provides contact numbers. Good site if you are either a vendor or are looking for festivals in your area.
The have a page entitled 'searching for vendors' which comes in handy. There are parts of the website under construction. Very nicely done.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Time Capsule - My First Job
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Lake Havasu CIty Winterfest
February 7-9, 2009. vendor application Lake Havasu Chamber of Comm
24th Annual Winterfest held downtown along McCulloch Blvd. Reasonable fees for booths; check vendor application-fees vary. Bus License is require along with insurance.
We did this event for a number of years but didn't make much of a net profit because we drove out from the Bay Area and stayed in a motel 6. (This particular Motel 6 was located about 2 blocks from our space)
This really draws a large, slow-walking crowd but they looked like zombies strolling down the street, looking neither to the left or to the right. Most of them could care less...just enjoying the nice weather this area usually has to offer during the month of February. Some snow birds; mostly locals.... virtually all of which did not spend and we didn't see a lot of them carrying bags.
We have two micro climates existing on the street. If you are faced toward the sun, it can be a pleasant, warm day with occasional breezes and you can wear your shorts and t-shirts. While on the other side, you get very little sun and often you'll need winter clothing and the wind is much colder as it whips its way around the booths.
We will not be doing this event, since we will be at Tyson Wells at the Arts & Crafts Fair (Space PQ-2) until around Feb 15. I've enjoyed Havasu over the years and we had several good shows there, but we are getting older and we would rather set up once for 17 days instead of for a 2-day show. Lots of food there. You'll enjoy.
For more information about events and info, please visit Starving Vendors. I have many reviews of shows we did this past year. Menu: Guide to Shows>reviews> then choose the dates and the shows for that time period will apear. Get insight into a lot of events and read what vendors have to go through. Read our review of the Lake Havasu City Winterfest
Monday, December 22, 2008
Forwarding email
Any time you see an E-Mail that says forward this on to '10' of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get bad luck, good luck, or whatever, it almost always has an E-Mail tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and E-Mails of those folks you forward to. The host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active' E-Mails addresses to use in SPAM E-Mails, or sell to other spammers
Almost all E-Mails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards. All it was, and all any of this type of E-Mail is, is a way to get names and 'cookie' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers - - to validate active E-Mail accounts for their own profitable purposes.
You can do your friends and family members a GREAT favor by sending this information to them; you will be providing a service to your friends, and will be rewarded by not getting thousands of spam E-Mails in the future!
If you have been sending out (FORWARDING) the above kinds of E-Mail, now you know why you get so much SPAM!
Do yourself a favor and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listings regardless how inviting they might sound!You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT in the long run. Instead, you will be getting tons of junk mail later! Plus, we are helping the spammers get rich! Let's don't make it easy for them!
Also: E-Mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or any other organization.To be acceptable, petitions must have a signed signature and full address of the person signing the petition. Read the full story here: http://
It's the end of another year and it is time to hand out our Starving Vendors Awards for 2008. I would like to announce the winner's of the Rodney Dangefield 'Can't get no Respect' award for treatment of vendors far and above the call of duty.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Alameda Flea Market
I just discovered that there is a Flea Market in Alameda located at 1150 Ballena Bay Rd. Anybody have any information about it. Can't find an actual website for it, just a contact phone number. Fill me in.
I recall many years ago, we went to the Island Drive In Flea Market down on Webster in Alameda. The drive-in movie close down in the late 70's I believe, biting the dust the same as all the other drive-in's across the country. After it closed it left the Flea Market as the remaining tennant.
Chabot College Flea Market
We are 'officially' into winter as of today....even though winter did arrive a couple weeks ago with the cooler 35 degree tempertures, colder rain and snow on the hilltops around the Bay Area.
Fortunately, we had a nice break in the weather yesterday, allowing us to sell at the Chabot College Flea Market in Hayward. We arrived there a bit on the early side and it is now a good idea to do so as the parking spots are not as wide as they used to be. I have a small Windstar van and it fits within the two spaces with about 1 1/2 feet to spare. Pity me if the people on the left and right of me both arrived before I did.....then I would have problems squeezing my van in there AND pulling out the 5-foot high/long grids from the pack would be impossible,
In case nobody noticed, the spaces now run north-south instead of east-west. Maybe the weather gods will find this to be more favorable to them. Or maybe the money gods figured they could 'squeeze' in more spaces and improve their cash flow.
It appeared like they only used about half the parking lot for the booths as not that many vendors would brave the December weather and were fearful of rain. Sales started off very slowly as it was a late crowd that arrived. My hands were long-frozen, quite cold from the 35 degree temperatures we had during the early morning. Most of the vendors probably arrived later than usual preferring to stay under their warm blankets at home. I guess there was a decent crowd that stopped by the Flea Market and bought a lot of lower-priced items....$1, $2, etc. Since our items are new and many of them were created by us, we did not do so good. The vendors with the 'closeout bought' groceries appeared to do the best. At 2:45, we began packing and were gone by 3:30 as were a good number of other vendors. Fortunately, we did not do one of our 3-hour setups for this shortened selling day.
We'll probably be back in February or March. If you want to order one of our shell necklacesm, or cowrie chokers, etc., please visit our website where we have secure, on-line ordering, If you wish to find out more information about Bay Area Flea Markets, click here. I have a listing on my other website. Check Events and Festivals for info on upcoming shows. Click here to see OUR 2009 event schedule.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Whiskey Flat Days - Kernville, CA
54th Annual Whiskey Flat Days, Kernville, CA. Feb 13-16, 2009. website and vendor application info. One of the most popular Festivals in all of Southern California. A short 3 hour drive from Los Angeles to the Lake Isabella recreation area and the quaint town of Kernville (50 miles east of Bakersfield on Hwy 178). Whiskey Flat is a leap back to the good ol' wild west days when the area was settled by gold miners, cattle ranchers and trappers. Join us when Kernville reverts to its old name "Whiskey Flat" for four nostalgic days of fun for the entire family. I quoted this from their website.
This event is not listed in Craftmaster's yet. I guess that they get around 50,000 visitors for the event. They have a really nice parade and other festivities. Great show if you can survive the drive through the Kern River Valley and if you can find an inexpensive motel room. Lots of curves. It snowed here 4 years ago and they often do get some rain, but not much. Kind of cold in he morning.
Please check my review of this past year's Whiskey Flat Days.
Quite a large number of vendors do this event. They come from L.A., Bay Area, Modesto area, Sacramento and other places. Good crowds.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tips for sellers
I have just completed several pages on Starving Vendors. Maybe you can pick up some ideas for your next craft fair, festival, flea market or even a yard sale.
Crafts Fair Basics Crafts Fair Basics; choosing the right one for you
Garage Sales Make $$$ at your garage sales. Tips, etc.
Flea Market Sales Tips for Selling at Flea Markets
and of course, we have our link to Bay Area Flea Markets and Upcoming events, Events and Festivals
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Chabot College Flea Market - December 20
DandL CREATIONS will be at Chabot College Flea Market this weekend and we will be selling our newest hand-made products made of shells. SPACE 400-401. These make great Christmas gifts and make wonderful gifts for weddings, anniversaries, etc. We will also be selling our necklaces for $5.00 and up; shoulder (sling) bags at a reduced price of $10.00. The weather looks pretty decent. According to reports, we will have some sunshine, but it will be a bit cool. At least we probably won't have any rain on Saturday and Sunday. Come on down and take a stroll amongst the booths and take care of some inexpensive Christmas shopping. We also sell these online through our website: DandL CREATIONS. We also sell hand-made, custom-sized shell and semi-precious necklaces. Any size from 13-24 inches. Cowrie Chokers priced from $8.95. Very popular and hand-made also. Wrap-around skirts. Shoulder Bags
Please be alert
I found this in a forum back East. You have to be alert at all times. I guess you just can's place your purse down anywhere.
My mother was in walmart today and had her purse stolen. She was in the ladies room, turned for a moment to dry her hands and a woman snatched her purse and ran. The police are aware of a tag team who are working the major stores together. She was lucky she was not hurt, but she was heartbroken. In her purse was a special rosary which I made for her. It has beads that are cancer survior beads-glass with pink ribbons in each bead
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Festivals in the Philippines
We have just completed a page on our website called Philippine Festivals which list by month, events and festivals in the Philippines. I think you will just love it. Check here before traveling back 'home'. Will be including all months of the year shortly.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Indio Tamale Festival, Napa, Tucson, Berkeley
Does anybody out there have anything to report on shows they were in or attended this weekend or last weekend. There were quite a number of events....Indio, Napa, Tucson, Berkeley, Oakland, etc. If you were a vendor, how was it. If you were attending the festival, tell me about it. I want to read some comments.
Will work for food
Most Visited pages on DandL CREATIONS
Please visit our website, for great buys on shell necklaces, cowrie shell chokers, wrap around skirts and a whole lot more.
These are the most visited pages on the website (as of 6:00PM, Dec 13):
1. Shark's Tooth Necklaces
2. Puka Puka
3. Cowrie Shell Chokers
4. More Necklace designs
5. 70's Syle Puka necklaces
6. Wrap Around Skirts
7. Puka Accents
8. Show Schedule
Excellent quality necklaces. We use Beadalon 7-strand beading cable.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Antiques by the Bay, Inc.- Jan 4, 2009 - Alameda, CA
Antiques by The Bay, Inc. Next show: June 4, 2009. The show is located on the main runway at Alameda Point - click here for directions vendor booth applications website
over 800 outdoor dealers selling their merchandise on the first Sunday of every month at the former Alameda Point Naval Air Station in Alameda, California. Everything sold at our show must be at least twenty years old and there are no reproductions allowed. The Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire entered its fifth year as of September 2003. The show has grown in leaps and bounds, giving Northern California the largest antiques and collectibles faire ever. In 1998, the show started out with 250 booths and an attendance of about 3300 antique shoppers. This year, we broke all of our records with 800 booths and a growing attendance that recently topped out at 10,000 customers. No pets are allowed as we are adjacent to a National Wildlife Refuge. We have grown in reputation as well as size. The Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire has been featured in Sunset Magazine, as well as Home and Garden Television's antiques show, "Flea Market Finds,"and attracts buyers from as far away as Japan.The Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire is co-produced by Betsy and Jerry Goldman and Allen Michaan and Sandra Michaan.
Glendale Chocolate Affair - Looking for Criminals?
The promoters are subjecting their vendors to a background check to see if they are criminals and actually forcing them to pay them $60 for the favor. I recently posted this to one of my other blogs, Events and Festivals and I decided that we need more exposure on this. This fee is on top of the $475 they are charging for spaces at the Glendale Chocolate Affair.
Glendale Chocolate Affair. Vendor Applications I was just looking through a number of event listings on a website and I noticed that vendors are forced to pay $60 for a 'background check fee.' They are charging $450.00 for an Arts and Crafts least they supply the booth, but that, my friends is pretty darn high, especially in this life and times.
Let's dwell on that $60 fee for a background check for a few seconds. I am certain that vendors will have to provide their SSN, Drivers License Number and probably some other material for them to run a trace on. Now, here ya go. We have somebody paying $475 for a 10x10 spot to sell their artwork, Do you think that somebody selling their lovely artwork at this show should be subjected to having a police check on them looking for warrants, etc. Do you really think these people are criminals. Only reason these people are not objecting is that they need to make money and moreso, enjoy displaying their artwork for people to see.
These individuals are being treated like criminals. A year ago, I (and several other vendors) had to shell out $25 for a 'police permit' which is the same thing and I felt that my rights were violated. Seriously, do they consider vendors to be criminals? That would piss me off if I was extorted like that for $60 in order to run a background check on me.
I know for darn sure this does not cost $60 and I find this to be a slap in the face of vendors. What are they doing.....feeding the person a nice steak dinner while that person sits at his computer and enters the person's name into some software. They do not have the right to force vendors to fork over the $60. Seems to me that the promoters of this event are the real criminals. I have nothing to do with this event, but I read about it and I am perturbed and I really frown over things like this. Vendors should voice their disapproval over this and demand their $60 money back. Sorry. Not right by any standards. Heck, these people could get away with charging vendors a $50 bathroom /porta pottie fee and get away with it.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The World's Subways
Here is a person named Robert Reynolds who has a website filled with maps of transportation systems all over the world and USA. A great resource when you need it. The above map is a sample of the SF Muni Metro System. Very Impressive.
The Subway Page
Gas Prices down to $1.69 at San Leandro COSTCO
I can't not remember when I saw prices that low for gas. OPEC could be getting ready to slow production. I think you can bank on it.....well, actually you can't really 'bank' on anything nowadays.
In LaPorte, Indiana, gas is going for $1.19. In Lahaina, Hawaii, gas is the highest at $2.89. National Average is $1.64. Can you believe it?
COSTCO IS AT $1.62 In Fremont and Antioch. Lowest in California is $1.65 in Paradise,
Place an order and get a free puka bracelet
GO TO OUR WEBSITE AND PLACE AN ORDER and we will give you a free puka bracelet. Please mention that you saw this on Western Arts and Vendors when placing order.
At DandL CREATIONS we offer hand-made custom-sized shell and semi-precious necklaces, great looking cowrie shell chokers, wrap-around skirts, shoulder sling bags, wrap-around skirts and a whole lot more. Check it out.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Fresno Hmong New Year Festival
December 26-Jan 1. Fresno Hmong New Year Festival. Fresno Fair Grounds 1558 N 9th Street, Fresno CA 93703 Contact Info: (209)384-7384
Vendor Applications: Vendors who wish to reserve a booth space may contact HINY immediately. Demands for booth spaces are extremely high. To reserve your favorable spot, contact us today. Please contact HINY at the following:1558 N. Ninth StreetFresno, CA 93703Ph: 559-487-1012 Fax: 559-487-1015
This event is held at various cities in California, Wisconsin and Minnesota at various times late in the year.Since the Hmong arrived in the United States in 1975, Hmong Year Celebration has become a part of American culture. Of all such events, the celebration in Fresno remains the largest of its kind.In order to prepare for the huge Hmong Celebration, Hmong International New Year, Inc. was selected by the community to organize this festive, cultural event.Hmong International New Year is a non-profit organization founded to preserve Hmong cultural heritage, to promote collaboration and understanding among Hmong and other groups, and to build bridges with the world community.The spirit of community cooperation is reflected in how the New Year is organized and conducted. Since the beginning, the event has been organized and operated mainly by volunteers
Kwanzaa Gift Show
Kwanzaa Gift Show, Join us for 23rd Annual Holiday Kwanzaa and Christmas Gift Show, December 13th & 14th 2008, from 11am to 8pm at the Oakland Marriott Convention Center, located at 10th & Broadway in Oakland. Admission for the Gift Show is only $5 and children under 12 are free. Holiday Shopping is a fun time for individuals and families! It's a fabulous and profitable time for creative artist to market and sell their one of a kind specialty items to many jovial holiday shoppers.
It's also a season when community groups, organizations and corporations come out and support the annual Holiday Kwanzaa Gift Show. As Oakland's and the Bay Area's original African American Holiday Crafts Show, this grand event is in its 23rd year and is undoubtedly committed to sustaining and growing African American crafts exhibitors, small businesses, wholesome families and communities.
Kwanzaa is a unique, non-religious, African American celebration, celebrated from December 26 to January 1 with a focus on the traditional African values of family, community responsibility, commerce, and self-improvement. The celebration of Kwanzaa builds self-respect, unity and respect for those ancestors who worked and made a better life for all of us. Harambee (let's pull together) and let's make this event and all community affairs successful for the betterment of the people and our businesses. If you are interested in being apart of our event, please contact me at 510-534-1594 or email me at spam (remove the word spam before emailing for info)
NOTE: For Vendors, This event is listed in Craftmaster News. Booth fees are $575+ for 10x10, attendance 10,000.
KPFA Crafts and Music Fair
Dec 13-14. KPFA Crafts and Music Fair, Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco.
The 38th Annual KPFA Crafts & Music Fair, the largest weekend holiday craft fair of its kind in Northern California, to be held December 13 & 14, 2008 at the Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco. Every year, more than 10,000 collectors, craft enthusiasts and holiday shoppers attend this signature event that features 220 craftsmakers and artists from throughout the country , a gourmet food pavilion and live performances by some of the area’s leading world musicians – all in a warm and spirited ambiance that reflects the Bay Area’s great diversity.
Website VENDORS: This event is listed in Craftmaster News and I would believe they are filled up. For informational purposes. booth fees range from $475-900 with 200 booths.
Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair
Dec 13-14. Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair, Berkeley, CA. Also Dec 20-21 and 23-24. More than 200 Artists offer 6 days of Bargain Shopping! 11AM-6PM.
Janet (510) 234-1013
Yolanda Castillo (510) 220-8791
Vendors Info and Applications
Located between Dwight Way and Bancroft Way near the U.C. Campus in Berkeley CA.Holiday shoppers to the Telegraph business district will be treated to an abundance of good cheer, great music, fine food, and unique and unusual handcrafts by some of Northern California's finest artists.This fair offers the rare opportunity to buy fine art originals and inexpensive gift items in the same place. Shoppers can choose from a tremendous diversity of arts and crafts, including jewelry, beadwork, wirework, hats, candles, leather work, silk-screened and tie-dyed clothing, pottery, wood crafts, metal crafts, paintings, henna-art, gift boxes, photography and sculptures.Festive lights, colorful decorations, and a friendly multicultural shoppingatmosphere complete the experience
2009 Quartz Hill Almond Blossom Festival
Quartz Hill Almond Blossom Festival. It's that time of year when we start getting our applications for next year's festivals and I am pretty certain that all of us (previous participants) have receive their applications for the Quartz Hill Almond Blossom Festival in March 2009.
My wife and I had a very rough time this past March there and we pulled out of the event because we were so disgusted by the way Lee Barron treated us. He has no class and doesn't care about the way he treats vendors. We drove over 300 miles to get there and we refused to stay.
If you want to find out why and hear more about Lee Barron and the Quartz Hill Almond Blossom Festival please read what I had to say about it. My wife was in tears from what he had to say to her. Very humiliating. I spoke to other vendors that did that event and they did terribly. Some left after Saturday because their sales were so disgusting. I am glad we left without setting up. A very very bad show. Has carnival rides and that takes a lot of the money away from the vendors. If you want to listen to my two-cents worth (which is more than I made at this $($(% event) DO NOT DO THIS SHOW. You will not be satisfied. There are other events to do, so stay the heck away. If you are a returning vendor, you pretty know much what I am saying is true. If you are a new vendor who wishes to do this word of advice (and my other vendor friends) is not to even think about it. Stay away. We have been doing events for over 15 years now and never have we been treated so disgustingly.
Tucson 4th Avenue Street Fair
The Fourth Avenue Street Fair began in 1970 when Fourth Avenue merchants put tables in front of their stores to attract customers before the holidays. From that beginning it has developed into one of the premier street fairs in the nation, drawing crowds of 200,000 to 350,000 and ranking as one of the top visual arts fairs in the country.
Venues for Vendors: A bit pricey for this three day event. There are at least three promoters of booth spaces within the show.
The Parking Lot. Set up your booth in The Parking Lot (TPL), at the heart of the Tucson 4th Avenue Street Fair, just a few short blocks from the University of Arizona. Located on the corner of 4th Avenue and 5th Street (Tucson, Arizona), TPL provides a prime location for vendor booth rentals at one of the largest street fairs in the United States. The 4th Avenue Street Fair is free to the public. Too late for event is March 20-22. We've done this lot several times. Good location. Near middle of event. However, high school groups playing alongside are quite loud. Porta potties next to the lot. Paved. Long line for the tri-tip sandwiches next door...must be great!!! Traffic flow is somewhat okay. Maybe 10 percent of passers-by enter the lot. Not too much of a difference if you are located in the back. They do walk all the way around. Commercial goods accepted.
Dingwell's Lot. 238 N. 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ. Contact Don Dingwell 520-882-5657. Need to call him for fees. No website or email address. We were in his lot a couple years ago and there was rain and it turned quite muddy. When dry, the sand blows all over the place. However, you can get into this lot with general merchandise (commercial) and there is really great traffic flow...even though most of the people walk in..go all the way to the end and around the garbage can and go out. This is toward the beginning of the show, so you get a lot of lookers, but they are not tired from walking around.
Events and Festivals
Read my newest blog about Events and Festivals. I have listed a number of events that you may be a visitor or a vendor. More listings coming up soon.
DeAnza College Flea Market
Saturday, December 6. DeAnza College Flea Market, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA
This was the first time we did this flea market in many years. We intended on doing the event in November, but it rained cats, dogs, elephants, etc. Rather upscale Flea Market and one of the best in the area. Held the first Saturday of each month. You can download a copy of the application here and get info,. Applications are accepted (mail in) beginning the 1st day of the month prior to the event.
Fortunately, the weather was great, with temps in the mid 60's. A good number of people showed up to shop and some vendors did great. This was just a fill-in for us...we usually do street fairs, etc. and just do not have 'flea market' merchandise.
There were numbers of younger teenagers who must be enrolled in the 'Five finger discount class' because we did encounter some who attempted to steal from us, but the watchful eye is indeed quicker than the hand. One person wanted to purchase one of our $5.00 mini stools for $3.00. Uh uh. Another was going to purchase one of our ladybug fanny packs we had selling for $10 (discounted from $12). I had told her the price two times. She held it up in front of me and said 'Five Dollars?" "No, uh uh," I said to her. "those are ten dollars.' 'Oh, I thought you said five dollars'. I then replied "What do you think this is ... a flea market." We both laughed and that was that.
In our fifteen years of doing shows, something happened here to us that never happened before, Just when you thought you encountered everything imagineable? You can read about this and see more about the DeAnza College Flea Market.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Most Popular Pages on Starving Vendors Website
The following is a list of the most popular pages this month on our Starving Vendors website. These might be of interest to you.
1. Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich
2. Upcoming Events
3. Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich Locations - Northern California and Bay Area
4. Events-Review of Orinda Holiday Bazaar 2007
5, Bites and Pieces
6. The Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich - Southern California
7. The Dangers of Inhaling Heliun from Balloons
8. Bay Area Flea Markets
9. Your Daily Dose
10. The Best Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich I ever Had
I created several pages with much information about Philly Cheesesteaks and these all are quite informative and rank high on Google Searches. I have many reviews of events on that website and you might enjoy them. Check out the Tales of Woe....
Merced Hmong New Year Festival
Dec 19-22, 2008. Merced Hmong New Year Festival, Merced County Fairgrounds, 900 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Merced CA Contact Info: (209)384-7384
The Hmong New Year celebration has existed thousands of years and in recent years has changed considerably. The heritage of this unique celebration was celebrated on the last day of the 12th Lunar Moon each year. Hmong ancestors celebrated this event in their native country of Laos through many traditional activities. More on history of the Hmong Related links: Hmong Americans

Author Notation: For more information on events, please visit Upcoming Events in our Starving Vendors Website. We have reviews of shows, etc. Check DandL CREATIONS for great buys on shell necklaces, cowrie chokers, wrap skirts and a lot more, We also list numerous events in Events and Festivals
Cowrie Shell Chokers
Please visit our website: DandL CREATIONS for great buys on shell necklaces, cowrie shell chokers and a lot more. We've been in business for 15 years.
Here is a sampling of our cowrie shell chokers, which are hand made by us. These are of excellent quality and I am sure that you would proudly wear one of these. On-line secure ordering and payment through Shipping within a couple days as it does take time to make these. Almost two dozen designs to choose from. Great Christmas gifts. Here are some samples:
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Cheesesteak Shop Opens in Hayward
Skywest Commons Shopping Center, 19631 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA. Located on the Hesperian Blvd. side of the center....across from Target.
The Cheesesteak Shop has now opened in Hayward. Went to Amato's on Monday in Cupertino expecting a fantastic sandwich. Not quite. Been getting my Cheesesteak's over in Castro Valley and those are better than Amato's. Have had some really great Cheesesteak's over the years in New Jersey, but Cheesesteak Shop's are pretty decent.
More Pigfest
Here's the third of our Pigfest creations. We will have this on EBay and if you wish to bid on it or bid on any other of our Pigfest's, shell creations, jewelry, etc., please go to our auctions. There are only 5 pewter pigs in this creation... the other one was on vacation. This item will be selling for $115. If you wish to purchase now, please email me and we will make arrangements for payment and shipping. My email address is If you wish to view other Pigfests, please click on the word 'pigfest' under labels below. Or click here to see all three.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
DandL CREATIONS Arts and Crafts Show

San Francisco Bay Area Christmas 2008
Here's a very nice website I found today with all kinds of Christmas stuff, info, events, etc. I think that you will enjoy it.
DandL CREATIONS Arts and Crafts Show
SHELL DESKMATE. Picture holder. Misc/pen holder. Paper clip holder, etc. Or put whatever you want in there. Gemstone tree very attractive.
Here's one of our newest items which was made by Lucy. Price for this colorful piece is $18.95 plus tax ($1.62) and shipping ($4.00). This will be on our website next week, but you can buy it now. Contact I can accept paypal for now; credit cards when its on our website or you can phone in your credit card number. A Great Gift.
I have decided to offer free advertising on our Starving Vendors website. I will accept three free ads per week (approx 350x150 banner/graphic or 5 text lines. Offer is for a one time insertion lasting for one week. If you wish to extend the ad, you may pay our standard fees...$50 per month per ad (banner or graphic) or $25 per month for 5 text lines.
You can place your ad on the website on the following pages: we have several pages listing info about Philly Cheesesteaks and locations. Our most popular pages Philly cheesesteak shops in NOCAL
any of the other pages in the 'food' category. Our home page. Ad would be placed in middle 1/3 of page. in right hand column Upcoming events; anyplace on page. page about the dangers of inhaling helium from baloons. Popular page.
I will offer advertising on just about any page. Just ask. Nothing x-rated or offensive. Your free ad will expire exactly one week after placement unless you 'renew' I will email you a 'renewal' contract with pertinent information two days before expiration of your ad. Contact:
Chandler Ostrich Festival
Re-living the Chandler Ostrich Festival of 2006. OUR WORST EVENT EVER.
It's that time of year again when we (vendors, etc.) are all working on our schedules for next year and begin sending in our booth fees and applications, etc. I could never forget the last time we did the Chandler Ostrich Festival. There are a good number of us (vendors) that will never do this event again.....especially if you have to travel a great distance for it.
One of our worst, most disastrous weekends ever. We went a long ways for this one and this turned out to be one of the most stressful weekends we ever had to endure. 145 days of drought in the Phoenix area ended with 1 1/2 days of torrential downpours that turned the vendor area into a foot-deep lake and the parking lot into a mud bog where it was virtually impossible for vendors to get their vehicles out until the mud dried. It started raining on Friday evening. Throughout the night, we listened to the rain coming down on top of our motor home. Periodically, the rain would slow down, but would come down hard shortly after. Earlier on Friday, there were reports of possible rain. As I walked around the vendor area, located in a gully, I realized that if we were to get a large amount of rain, the area is going to flood. The ground was hard and it would take a long time for the water to seep through. Fortunately, when we closed up Friday evening, we removed most of our things from the ground.Upon awakening Saturday morning, it was still raining and we pretty much knew that the day was going to be a 'washout'. All day long the rains kept coming and coming.
As we sat in the motor home in the parking lot we saw it turning to mud, as some vehicles passed by. We began to wonder if we would be able to get our vehicle out of the parking lot as we saw many vehicles actually get stuck in the mud; tow trucks couldn't even get them out. Night-time came and it was still raining. It kept up until early Sunday morning. We finally went to our booth around 8:00AM and found the top sagging with water and a huge lake surrounding the booths located in the gully, What a bonehead idea to put vendors down in here.
We waited for several hours before they began pumping out the water. The rains ended around 5:00AM and they did not even begin pumping the water until after 11:00AM. The promoters claimed that since it was Sunday, they could not contact the workers. You know, you see the area turning into a lake on Saturday, but you don't think about making arrangements to pump the water out. I mean, like...uhhh... the water is just going to dissapear. Many people told me that the ground would just absorb the water and it would dissapear. People, the ground was rock solid and very little of it will seep inside. Am I missing something here?
They proceded to pump out the water. As the time approached 2:00PM, the water was just about gone and we were able to open up. We still had major problems with the parking lot because we weren't sure if we'd be able to get out of there. However, just after it became dark, I figured that the mud had dried enough to enable me to escape. Do you like nightmares? This was one hell of a nightmare and everything bad that could possibly happen, did occur.
You can read my complete story, TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN or NO SYMPATHY FROM THE DEVIL ....a true account of the Chandler Ostrich Festival and Brown Amusements on our website:
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Santa's Helpers Art Craft and Gift Faire
Santa's Helpers Art Craft and Gift Faire at Napa Valley Expo Chardonnay Hall, 575 Third St.Napa, CA 94559
The 17th Annual Holiday Craft and Gift Fair on Saturday, December 13 from 10am to 5pm Sunday, December 14 from 11am to 4pm at the Napa Valley Expo Free parking and Admission
Price: Free
Novato Holiday Crafts Faire - Dec 6
Novato Holiday Crafts Faire
Saturday, Dec 6 10:00a
at Margaret Todd Senior Center, 1560 Hill Rd.Novato, CA 94947(415) 899-8290
Arts & Crafts Show. A holiday crafts faire to include: fresh greens, gifts, jewelry,ornaments, toys, bath & body products, hand crafted items, wreaths, specialty foods, ceramics, entertainment, quilt raffle, luncheon and baked goods, face painting, photos with Santa, and much more! Admission is free. Call the Margaret Todd Senior Center at 415-899-8290 for more information.
Another Pigfest
Here's another Pigfest that we created and we have placed it on Ebay. Click here to see the listing and to place a bid if you desire. We have another Pig Band a few entries lower. Scroll down. You will also see other products we have just created. Our website is: DandL CREATIONS
Bay Area Holiday Festivals and Craft Shows
Here's a listing of numerous events in the S.F. Bay Area.
Dec 6. Suisun City. Harbor Plaza Open Market. 2 PM to 8 PM at Main & Solano Streets. There are around 60 booths of vendors here and this show is combined with other events in the area with loads of activities for kids, adults. Caroling, Carriage Rides, Santa, Toy Drive, Bonfire (nice and warm), fireworks and a Lighted Boat Parade. If you wish to be a vendor, the listing is in Craftmasters. Or you may contact the promoter of the Market, Debbie Kiikvee, Phone#707 428-4970. Spaces are $75. This is a very nice community event and the people of Suisun come out for it. We were vendors for the past three years and will not be doing the event this year for health reasons. It can get a bit cool and quite windy during the latter part of the afternoon. If your booth is facing the wind, bring blankets.
Dec 5-6. 5TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY ART AND CRAFT SALE, Creekside Community Church, 951 MacArthur Blvd., San Leandro, CA
Get a jump on your holiday shopping with one of a kind art and craft pieces from over 35 vendors displaying all hand crafted items. Show hours are Friday, December 5th, 12:00 noon-7:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 6th, 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Lasagna dinner will be served on Friday evening beginning at 5:00 p.m Donate a full sized bottle of shampoo or conditioner and get a free raffle ticket for a chance to win pieces donated by our artists. Call Sharon for information at (510) 430-0607.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
ASD/AMD Trade Shows - Las Vegas
The annual trade show will be held from March 15-18. two weeks later than the usual time. I was surprised to hear this because I thought it was always held during the first week of the month. Perhaps they are using the Sands Convention Center for another 'more profitable' event previous to that. The event has several venues:
Variety Merchandise Show
Sands Expo Center & Las Vegas Convention Center - The nation's largest merchandise show featuring products at all price points and categories. Our specialized floor sections will assist you in finding the products you need more quickly and easily. With so many new sources and products to choose from, you will easily navigate your way to the most profitable merchandise mix for your retail needs.
Gift Show
Sands Expo Center -- The ASD/AMD Las Vegas Gift Show is the largest national gift show in the West. As a component of the three-in-one ASD/AMD Trade Show Las Vegas, this show lets you source products in the powerfully competitive center--the price range that appeals to the largest number of number of consumers--from leading vendors offering great merchandise at unbeatable prices.
Jewelry Show
The ASD/AMD Las Vegas Jewelry Show at the Mirage Events Center & Grand Ballroom is known for its unique roster of exhibitors. Traditional jewelry show wholesalers and exclusive wholesalers and suppliers that only exhibit at ASD/AMD Las Vegas. More than 350 companies in 700 exhibits provide the broadest possible selection of wholesale fine and fashion jewelry at single show. Providing you even greater flexibility with the immediate delivery option on select items.
Military Tactical Outdoor Show
Las Vegas Convention Center* - Since 1961, the ASD/AMD Las Vegas Military Tactical Outdoor Show continues to be the pre-eminent showcase in this market. The show features the most innovative products for military, tactical, and outdoor providing for an unparalleled marketplace.
You will need to register to attend any of these shows, You can save time by clicking here and registering on their website.
Oyster Shell Candle Holder
Miners in Geode/Cathedral
Unusual things - Pigfest
You can bid on this on EBay. Click here to view the auction.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Amato's Philly Cheesesteaks
Amato's Philly Cheesteaks, 1162 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose, CA ph.(408)-246-4007
This afternoon after visiting a friend in that area, I dropped by Amato's and ordered 2 Philly Cheesesteaks and one plain steak...all with the works.. peppers, onions, etc. $7.20 for a 7". I brought the sandwiches home to eat.
The roll was a bit soft, but maybe from the 40 minute drive home. I was disapointed in the Philly Cheesesteak sandwich and needless to say, I have tasted better at county fairs. I just can't understand what everybody is saying about this place (Yelp, etc.). I rate the sandwich between somewhat okay and good. Everything was 'slopped' together. I find that the very best cheesteaks made are those that cook the steak, put the cheese on top...but do not mix it in and then place the steak, etc., in the roll and pile on separately (cooked) peppers and onions, That way you preserve the individual taste of each item on the roll. The cheesesteaks at Cheesesteak Shops are better than the one's we had at Amato's today.
A few year's ago I had a Philly Cheesesteak from Pudge's Steaks in Blue Bell, PA and that was totally delicious. You can read what I have to say about this place. Best I ever had. Check out Yelp's reviews on this place and many people will swear that is the best they ever had also. Many years ago, there was a sandwich shop at the Farmer's Market in L.A. that served up cheesesteaks similar to Pudge's, but they moved out many years ago. Whenever I was in the L.A. area, we would detour over there for their Philly Cheesesteaks. Read more about Philly Cheesesteaks
We do a lot of festivals and fairs that serve Philly Cheesesteaks and the best one I ever had at an event had to be at the Coos County Fair in Myrtle Point. We've been vendors at that event for 5 years now and every year there, I get 2 or 3 of them and I tell them that their cheesesteaks are the best I ever had at an event. They are pretty decent.