Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Top of the Line Marketplace

A number of people had told me that the Top of the Line show in Visalia at the Convention Center was supposed to be a good show. This event was held from Nov 7-9. From what I have heard, sales were somewhat slow and they had at least 30 fewer booths. Of course, I wasn't there so you are not hearing this from the horse's mouth.

I had considered doing the event, but over head was pretty high. Booth fees, gas and motel and with this economy, we all are down in sales as people are holding onto their money and do not want to part with it. You have to turn these people upside down and shake the hell out of them to get that money out of their pockets. When vendors sign up for events, they really have to analize where the money is going to come from and what they consider their net profit is after adding in those three expenses AND cost of merchandise sold.

This has probably been a pretty good event over the years, but just like every other show, it looked like more of the same. I decided to 'go cheap' and stay just outside the Bay Area so we would have added expenses.

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