Monday, October 6, 2008

Homefront Festival by the Bay

OCT 4-5, 2008. RICHMOND, CA. This was a nice community-type event for the local crowds as it centered around the contributions the area made in WWII....

However, the Homefront Festival was not good for vendors selling their merchandise and several of them left after Saturday. There was no admission fee, so that brought in some of the local riff-raff for which Richmond is noted for. Hardly anybody buying anything, except for some food, etc. and carnival rides.

I am certain that the organizers worked very hard getting this thing going and I commend them. You can lead the horse to the water, but you can't make him drink it and that was the main problem. However, information submitted to the Craftmasters News showed that 10,000 people were expected for the event and that number is grossly inflated. Closer to 3,000 than 10,000

All in all, the City of Richmond should take pride in the areas surrounding the National Park area and there are great views of the Bay, etc.

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