Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pacific Coast Fog Fest - Pacifica, CA

Anybody have anything to comment about regarding the Pacific Coast Fog Festival held this past weekend in Pacifica? One of the committee members (Fred Howard (the duck) and his bored of Directors) wouldn't allow us in the past several years because he said that he is not allowing 'commercial' vendors. Helloooo...sunglasses is arts & crafts? When I spoke to him awhile back, he apparently wasn't too sure about what the differences were between A&C and commercial. Unable to tell them apart.

Tell me what you thought about the event. I heard that sales for a lot of the vendors was down.....just like other events.

If you were a vendor, tell me if you saw very many commercial vendors and how you compare sales this year to other years.

Here's something I wrote several years ago and updated. I had built up quite a base of customers there before he got a bug up......


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