Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2008 Dia de los Muertos Festival

This festival is held annualy in Oakland along International Blvd and this year, it shall be on Sunday, October 26. We are getting closer to that date and I wish to give some strong, stern and helpful advice.

VENDORS BEWARE. I know quite a number of people (vendors) who have sold here and they report a lot of merchandise being stolen. If you are selling rings, jewelry and other small items you can kiss your butt good-bye. I did this show 5 years ago and around 9-10 years ago and I did lose some jewelry. There are a lot of people at this event and it is mostly a get-together, party type festival and they are not interested in buying...especially with the economy the way it is.

I have a friend who sold jewelry and he had it arranged in cases. Somebody actually pilfered one of his cases, jewelry and all and stood there laughing at him with his Mexican friends, waiting for him to chase after him so they could steal more.

I do a lot of events throughout the year and everybody has bad things to say about this event. Maybe they should rename it the "Thieves Festival" because vendors suffer a lot of losses. Nobody has ever told me anything good about this event and I strongly advise all sensible vendors to stay the hell away from this one. Nobody is going to buy....you are going to get things stolen left and right.

I would like to hear people's comments on this one...especially vendors who have gotten ripped off.

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