These people do some magnificent things with their sand sculpting. I guess they were at the Pacific Coast Fog Festival this past weekend. They won many awards for their work. If you like creating things in the sand, you'll be interested in looking at some of their work, which is included on their website:
Be sure to check out their gallery. Truly amazing. They have done work all over the country at many fairs & festivals.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sand Sculpture
Pacific Coast Fog Fest - Pacifica, CA
Anybody have anything to comment about regarding the Pacific Coast Fog Festival held this past weekend in Pacifica? One of the committee members (Fred Howard (the duck) and his bored of Directors) wouldn't allow us in the past several years because he said that he is not allowing 'commercial' vendors. Helloooo...sunglasses is arts & crafts? When I spoke to him awhile back, he apparently wasn't too sure about what the differences were between A&C and commercial. Unable to tell them apart.
Tell me what you thought about the event. I heard that sales for a lot of the vendors was down.....just like other events.
If you were a vendor, tell me if you saw very many commercial vendors and how you compare sales this year to other years.
Here's something I wrote several years ago and updated. I had built up quite a base of customers there before he got a bug up......
Credit Score Myths Debunked
Learn a little about credit scores and common fallicies. I found this article and put it in our Starving Vendors website. Interesting.
Friday, September 26, 2008
What did the House of Rep do today in Washington?
I really thought that these people were working on our economy.
The first black heavyweight champion should be granted a presidential pardon for a racially motivated conviction 75 years ago that blemished his reputation and hurt his boxing career, the House of Representatives recommended Friday.
So, I guess this is probably more important.
Clovisfest - Sep 20-21
What was Clovisfest like last weekend? Been doing the show for several years, but had to cut expenses and travel. Any vendors out there that can tell me how the event was? Or if you visited the festival, how was it? I don't think that a lot of vendors were traveling very far for this one.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Serious Stuff
Watched the news last night about how they want to try to 'fix the economy'
I hate to say this, but I think we are in deep shit and they are trying their best to avoid a run on the banks and the Stock Market. They said that it would take the economy about a year and a half to turn around. For some reason, these people try to avoid using the term 'recession.'
There seems to be a sense of urgency in trying to get these bills passed through Congress and I am most certain that Bama Obama Bama Bama Bama Obaaaaammmaa.... is going to take advantate of all of this. McCain is right in stepping away from his campaign and turning to the issues at hand.
I hope that Friday, September 26 does not turn into another BLACK FRIDAY when the stock market crashes 1000 points and more banks and lending institutions go belly up. Just watching Bush's and McCain's faces can tell us that we are just a couple chess moves away from another depression.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Joseph Biden's - Words of Wisdom
Vice presidential candidate Joe Biden says today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow fellow Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a financial crisis.
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,"' Barack Obama's running mate recently told the "CBS Evening News."
Except, Republican Herbert Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929. There also was no television at the time; TV wasn't introduced to the public until a decade later, at the 1939 World's Fair.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Show listings, events, etc.
Here's this weeks' listing of Bay Area events, festivals, etc. These listings are pretty much for the general public.
Sat/Sun Sep 27-28 Lathrop Days, Lathrop, CA
Looks like probably a nice event for the locals. However, they are still soliciting for vendors and we all know what that means. Perhaps one of the problems is that they have the wrong website listing in Craftmaster's.
Fri/Sat/Sun Sep 26-28 Arts & Crafts Sidewalk Street Fair, Walnut Creek, CA
Link to Website
Sat/Sun Sep 27-28, Octoberfest, Clayton, CA
Sat/Sun Sep 27-28 Folsom Gourd & Arts Festival, Folsom, CA
Sat/Sun Sep 27-28 Pacific Coast Fog Festival, Pacifica, CA
Sat/Sun Sep 27-28 Taste of Morgan Hill, Morgan Hill, CA
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Portland Christmas Bazaar
Okay People....let's pull out your most recent issue of Craftmaster News and turn to the page that has the 1/4 page ad with 'America's Largest Chrismas Bazaar'.....find it yet?.............. look at the line located in the middle of the page...the one that reads '1,000 booths of unique gifts,' Ya know...I don't know what kind of a crowd these people get for this, but why on earth are you going to point it out to vendors that there are 1,000 booths? I look at that and I get scared shitless and feel sorry for about 980 of these vendors because they are going to have a hard time catching expenses. You would feel that way also if you responded to the ad they had in there a number of years ago for their Sacramento 'Bazaar' which we unfortunately did. Only one weekend, thank gosh. i never ever ever sign up for more than one weekend of any event, espectially when I don't know a thing about it. Anyhow, I think that they meant 1,000 customers because that's about what we got for that event. Of course, that show in Sacto has been discontinued, kapoot, etc.
Newark Days
Okay people.... how many people are we missing in Newark this iime? I was driving down 880 in Fremont yesterday morning around 9:30 and it began to rain, just for a minute or two. Don't know if they got anything in Newark. That was probably around the time they were having their parade.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Show listings, events, etc.
I have been entering information on a lot of shows that we have done over the years and I think that you (vendors) would be interested in reading this.
First of all, Do you remember was created a little while back and lists a number of events that are no longer around. Old shows are ones that we no longer do..... and Problem Shows are events we have done that do have a number of problems. You can find listings and reviews of a large number of events in other sections in this website. All these sections will make enjoyable reading and maybe you'll find them quite informative. I have provided links to the promoters of the events. I'm sure that you have never heard of a lot of these shows and I provide insight to a number of current shows. Take a browse!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
This weekend's Events - Bay Area
Here's a listing of festivals, etc. in the Bay Area for this weekend. At least visit us in spaces 538-539 at Chabot College Flea Market on Saturday.
Saturday, June 20 Chabot College Flea Market, Hayward
Sat/Sun, Jun 20-21 Art on the Square, Redwood City
Sat Jun 20 Fine Arts and Crafts Fair, Benicia
Sat/Sun, Jun 20-21 Art and Wine Festival, Lafayette
Sat/Sun, Jun 20-21 Gem Faire, Redwood City
Sat/Sun Jun 20-21 San Francisco Crystal Fair
Also, this weekend, we have Clovisfest (Clovis, CA), San Bernadino Route 66 Rendevous.
Check out some of our reviews of recent events on our website: Review of Castro Valley
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Amazing but True
I recently watched a TV special about this autistic man who was able to draw a 12-foot panorama of London after flying over in a helicopter and drawing it from memory.
Revealed: How autistic genius Stephen Wiltshire drew his amazing picture of London's skyline
The quite remarkable talents of the London-born artist Stephen Wiltshire, who was awarded an MBE for his "services to art" two years ago, are to be celebrated this week in a television documentary about extraordinary people. In particular, the Channel Five programme shows the young black artist, 34 later this month, drawing a 13ft long panorama in pen, ink and pencil of a seven mile stretch of the London skyline after just one brief helicopter trip along the Thames - and doing so in just five days.
In the huge curving canvas, which was completed at the Mayor of London's office, almost every major building in the city is drawn to scale - from the Swiss Re Tower (better known as the Gherkin) to the high rises of Canary Wharf - with the number of floors and architectural features all recaptured in precise detail. It is no mean feat for a young artist who is autistic, a condition memorably brought to life by Dustin Hoffman in the Oscar-winning film Rain Man.
Indeed, like Hoffman's film persona, Wiltshire is also a "savant", a man trapped in his own private world but with an exceptional talent, said to be one of only 100 diagnosed throughout the world.
Here's a link to the remainder of the story:
Events gone by the wayside...some good...some..
I have a page on our website dedicated to a number of events that we have done over the years' and have gone by the wayside. They are no more. Some of them were pretty interesting and very good and of course several of these I am grateful that they no longers exist.
This event was held a number of years in San Jose. If you wish to read more about this one, please visit Do You Remember.
SOFA STREET FAIR, San Jose, CA along first street in San Jose
South of A Street Fair. More commonly known as the SOFA Street Fair. Believe it or not, there would be a bunch of people who would haul out their old beaten up couches (sofa's) and set them up on the sidewalk to watch the goings-on. This event was popular during the 90’s and was held on First Street near the night clubs. A one-day event, it attracted a wide array of vendors and quite an assortment of fair-goers.
I do not know what happened to this event, but we did it for 3 years. It was wild at times as there were numerous bars and night clubs located along the street. All kinds of people were attracted to this event.
I have also written about the following events there:
Chabot College Flea Market
Hi People. DandL CREATIONS (shoulder bags, fannypacks and a lot more) will be in spaces 538 and 539 this Saturday, September 20 at the Chabot College Flea Market on Hesperian Blvd. in Hayward. This is one of the better flea market around and there are sure to be lots of vendors. We should be all set up by 9:00 and will close between 2-3:00PM. We will have a reduced setup and will not have our wrap-skirts and we will not set up the canopy. Just a bunch of grids and tables this time to make things easier.
So, come on down. Have had a lot of people asking about the Flea Market when we did the Zucchini and Castro Valley Fall Festival. We only do this flea market 2-3 times during the year and might be there one more time this year.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pallen Martial Arts
Pallen Martial Arts had a booth next to us at the Castro Valley Fall Festival. Last year we had problems with them conducting their activities and solicting new students in front of our booth, blocking customers from accessing our booth. Additionally, a number of them kept RUNNING through our booth also and were a nuisance.
This weekend, the students of Pallen Martial Arts were absolutely terrible and I recommend that parents do not allow their children to learn about Martial Arts from them. On Saturday, these students conducted business and did demonstrations outside their booth, approximately 2/3 ways across the aisle, disrupting traffic flow down the aisle. They solicited potential students, parents, etc., in front of our booth and blocked traffic flow to one-half of our area on a continual basis. Many times I asked them to move their activities over to their booth and they were disrupting my sales. They would just say 'oh, I'm sorry' and go about their business, soon thereafter resuming what they had been doing. The students of Pallen Martial Arts were also told by the promoters of the event to 'confine' their activities.
Pallen Martials Arts continued doing this on Sunday and they showed no RESPECT for anybody. They thought all this was a big joke. The promoters of the event came over and asked them once again to confine their activites, but soon after, they would be outside blocking traffic and doing their demonstrations, attracting crowds of 5-20 people at times. They spread over to my booth and customers could not see my booth nor could they get in. During the morning one of them had his big gigantic mutt sit down in front of our booth and they confronted customers once again. Other dogs came over and they exchange butt sniffs and occasionally they would be jumping around, scaring off potential customers. These Pallen Martial Arts Students were terrible and I am really wondering exactly what they are teaching these kids. I mean these kids do not listen to anybody, wise ass neighboring vendors and just plain out disrespectful toward adults. Do you want to expose your children to these monsters at Pallen Martial Arts. Heck, if one of my kids were there, I'd yank him/her out so quickly.
Castro Valley Fall Festival - Sep 13-14
CASTRO VALLEY, CA. I have been doing this event for approx 10 years now and this is the worst year ever. I've always enjoyed this event and we have a good location for our booth. The promoters, Festival Productions, once again did a great job with the show and I commend them once again, as they (Jeff & Jerry Cambra) put on another great event.
However, you can lead the horse to the water and stick his nose in it, but you can not make him drink it. And that's the way the story goes. People just not buying. I guess some vendors did okay, but a huge majority had big drops in sales, including us. We just have to ride this decline in the economy out.
We had huge problems with the booth next to us which was the Pellen Martial Arts School, located in Castro Valley. They had some of their 'students' there solicting membership. They absolutely horrendous and you can read about them in another post that I have in this blog.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Holiday Crafter's Fair - San Jose Flea Market
This is a yearly event held in the Pavillion building at the San Jose Flea Market, PRESENTLY located at 1590 Berryessa Rd.
We all are looking for events in November and December and this might not be a bad event for vendors. We have done it perhaps 5 times over a number of years, more recently 2 years ago. Rich and Susana do a decent job and have had the show for quite awhile. This show may or may not work for everybody, The price is great..$39 for the first, $19 for the second, etc. Quite a bit of advertising and they do have signs and banners at the Flea Market directing people over there.
You must take into mind, that this event is held at a gigantic flea market and sometimes, there are quite a bit of people strolling around. If the weather is bad...raining, cold, etc., then people seek refuge inside the building and shop around, On the other hand, if you have the other extreme, beautiful sunny days, then people somewhat avoid going in and it can be quite slow. I know a number of vendors that do the show and some do decently but much of their success depends upon their return customers who stop by for Christmas gifts. I think that by now, you have probably noticed that there are 'slight' problems with the economy and this has unfortunately been a disaster to many events and vendors. This is a hit or miss event... it gets slow sometimes, but I recommend doing it just for the price alone,..... very reasonable. The bottom line for me is that people can buy similar items out in the actual flea market area cheaper. If you have unique items, true A&C and certain jewelry items, then it will be worthwhile. It wouldn't be hard to get your 10X booth fees here.
I have had good shows here and bad ones too, A couple years ago, I had two spaces and did fair. Not great. Somewhat slow most of the time. I had both canopies up and also had the back of my canopies covered up and I really didn't have great lighting inside. There was an Indian lady located in back of me selling all kinds of stuff. On Saturday, she actually hung a lot of things on the back of my canopy....without asking, of course. Never in my 16 years had I ever had somebody do that. So, because she had all this garbage hanging from the back of my booth, it made things even darker inside. On Sunday, I decided that I would take down all my covers in order to get more light inside and to get them out of the way, I went over to the lady and explained to her that she would have to remove her items from the back of my canopy. She got mad.....she tried to tell me that is part of her space and I couldn't tell her to take them down. At first, she REFUSED to take them down and I told her again. Finally, I walked over to her and told her that she has 10 minutes to get her things down. She got mad and had enough gall to bring the promoter over and tell them. Made a complete jack ass and a half out of herself (again). I told the promoters that she now had two minutes to take her stuff down and that was that. They made her take down. Can you imagine how idiotic something like that is?
So, there you have it,. If you are a vendor looking for an event to do during the weekend of Novmber 15-16, I'd give it a shot. You can drive in on Friday to set up, but getting out of there Sunday evening is a different story. Quite difficult as there are a number of uncooperative people that make it difficult and it can get very tricky maneuvering your way around the flea market attempting to get inside the building,
If yo are interested in this event, you can contact Rich Alvari and/or Susana del Rosario at phone number 408 453-1110 x215. Do not call the actual Flea Market...this is Rich's & Susana's event. It's also listed in Craftmaster.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Nigerian Email Scam
Just got an email on this... Not following through to see what is happening, but anything from Nigeria is a scam. SPAM CAPITAL OF THE WORLD!!! At some time, I am certain they will ask for bank info.
Date: 9/15/2008 5:29:51 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time From:
Reply To:
PMB 166
This is to bring to your notice that we are delegated from the United Nations to Eco bank Nigeria to pay 100 Nigerian 419 scam victims the amount being ripped by Nigerian scam artists, you are listed for this payments as one of the scammed victims,get back to us as soon as possible for the immediate payment of your compensations payment.We have made several inquiries and have discovered that you were among those victims being duped by Nigerian scam artists so we are here to enlighten you and to let you know that the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA founded this organization to fight against cybercrime in our country (EFCC).
To read the rest of this along with many other scams, please visit my website: Starving Vendors
100 Thousand People still Missing - Newark Days

Thursday, September 11, 2008
What your 'oil money' has bought them.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Refillable Ink cartridges
About a month ago, I thought I could save some money by getting my ink cartridges (color, black&white) refilled at Walgreens. I had the two cartridges sitting around until the other ones I had in ran out of ink. Replaced them the other day and the black one was dry. I saved money all right. Might as well head on over to Office Depot and pick up a real BLACK INK cartridge. What a rip off. Anybody have a similar experience?
Castro Valley Fall Festival - Sep 13-14
THIS COMING WEEKEND, Come on out and enjoy yourselves at the Castro Valley Fall Festival. Been doing this event for years and it's one of the better, more organized events around. We (DandL CREATIONS) are located in space#345 on Castro Valley Boulevard near Washington Mutual. We sell shoulder bags, fannypacks, backpacks, beautiful handmade shell necklaces, tote bags, wrap-around skirts and a whole lot more.
Looks like the weather shall be cooperating this year, with expected temp in the mid-70's and plenty of sunshine, Many booths and pretty decent food. Every year that we do the Castro Valley Fall Festival, I make sure to stop by the Philly Cheese Steak Shop over in the village for a half-ways decent Cheesesteak Sandwich. Can't compare to ones back east I have had, but one of the better ones around. Try their 15-incher.
So once again people...come on down and check things out. Don't let all those football games on TV, etc., deter you from checking things out. Castro Valley Fall Festival located along Castro Valley Boulevard west of Redwood Rd/A Street.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Pittsburg Seafood Festival Sep 6-7
Trying to drive around the town was a nightmare. Construction, detours..can't go this way, can't go that way. Oh gosh. Pittsburg is a mess I don't know what they are doing, but it's a #(#*$# MESS!!
Sunday, Sept 7. A bit cooler and sales were somehat better. However, booth fees were $300 and this just aint going to make it. We determined that this is a $150 show at most. Crowd seemed to be a little less than Saturday, despite the cooler (91 degrees) weather. Good event if you are attending it. Air show at 3:00 and boat races. However, stinkarooski if you are a vendor. Just nothing more than window dressing, as thousands of people just pass by with nary a look.
The show ended at 6:00 and I imagine everybody was anxious to get out of there, I went to my van around 5:45 and parked in line at the far end of the event, preparing to come in. I was third in line and it wasn't long before there were several dozen vehicles behind me. They kept B.S. ing us about when we could get in....10 more minutes...5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc. and we finally got in just before 7:00. That's a crock of baloney because it would be getting dark again and didn't want to end up loading in the dark again like we were forced to do at the Hayward Zucchini festival a couple weeks earlier.
We loaded up quickly, as we had just about everything packed up and ready to load. As we were doing so, I noticed a long, long, long line of cars waiting to get in. It looked like they were going to be there for hours to come. We left around 7:30 and zig-zagged our way the decrepit downtown areas of Pittsburg. What a and detours all over the place; stores closed for good, boarded up, broken windows. What a beautiful city these people have. Downtown area looks like hell. This is not a show I would recommend doing the Pittsburg Seafood Festival unless they lowered the fees to $50. Solly!!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Your Daily Dose
This is a new feature on my website, Starving Vendors and each day I add my comments about shows, vendors, things, thangs, etc. Today's entry:
September 5. Seems a bit cooler today, but it's going to be hot in Pittsburg this afternoon for setup.I have added a number of 'defunct' events on the Do you Remember page of this website. Makes interesting reading and sentimental value.I came across an old show publication, Calendar of Events and began looking through it. I also had a number of older publications from the mid 90's... The Show Locator, Hands on Guide and The Crafts Fair Guide. Quite interesting looking through them as I was able to see a lot of shows we did and didn't do back then.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich

Orinda Holiday Bazaar (Nov 1-2)
Just did a Google search on the "Orinda Holiday Bazaar" and I found a couple interesting links to this event, held during the first weekend in November. Check it out. One is my review about the show from last year.
And another link leading to Craig's List "Vendors wanted for 33rd Annual Orinda Holiday Bazaar (Orinda Community Center)'. Actually, I find that rather humorous and if you read my review you'll see why it is so hard to get vendors for this event. I do not want to pick on the promoters of this event... they try so hard and do a wonderful job. However, the problem is the people. The one's that go to the event and the one's that DON'T GO TO THE EVENT.
They really didn't turn out for the Orinda Holiday Bazaar .... and you can read my review to see what I think happened to them... and the ones that do come, DO NOT BUY. I think that this event has seen better days. A great idea but it just isn't going to work out. Vendors have an extremely hard time setting up because no matter where your booth is..inside or outside, you are going to have to carry your things up stairs and for the amount of money that we made last year, there is just no freaking way I will do that. I am sure that this event brings in money for various local organizations and if they don't get the funding they need, they can point their fingers at the local community, who do not come to the Orinda Holiday Bazaar and ran away many vendors by not buying their merchandise.
I have several friends (vendors) who definitely will never go back there and I know that there were vendors who 'zeroed out'...meaning they made $0.00. There were 'spurts' of people coming to the event, but they bought very little and took up space (and air) as they came there just to socialize. However, I will agree that some of the success of an event, does depend upon people meeting one another, etc. and having a good time. But people, if you don't buy from the vendors, you local non-profit agenices, etc., are going to suffer because vendors will not come back.
There are a number of community things happening here and there are a number of crafters who purchase a smaller space indoors and sell what they have made and that is probably fine. However, 'professional' vendors (ones who require a canopy and sell many things at a different show every weekend) can not expect to do well here. Nice library next door and it seems like half the people have a book in their hand or are on their way to drop their kids off for soccer practice. You just have to read my review on this!!!! To the community of Orinda... you people have nice houses, good jobs but you are too damm cheap and stingy and just do not deserve to have such an event as the Orinda Holiday Bazaar.
So, they are looking for vendors and if you sign up for it, it's just like making a contribution to a charity. You won't make any money. Only thing I can blame on the promoters is their selection of music. Frank Sinatra music being piped all over the place is not energetic, buying-type music. Puts people (and vendors) to sleep. If I want to listen to Frank Sinatra, then I'll turn to Channel 11 and watch America's Got Talent, ya know? There's a nice older fellow who can really sing and sounds pretty much like him.
Do You Remember?
I have a special page on my Starving Vendors website which tells about a number of festivals which are no longer in existence.
I thought that this event was pretty neat as it was held at Parkside Hall in downtown San Jose.during the month of November and it always seemed to be raining. I think that we did this event from 1994-1997, which was the final year. Didn't like hauling my things inside, but no choice. Attendance was somewhat okay. Long hours and the crowds dwindled down during the latter part of the afternoon. I really enjoyed much of the entertainment, especially the digieridoo's.
Here's a link to a story about the New Age Renaissance Fair you should find interesting. "People said the New Age Renaissance Fair was a magical place, much more enjoyable than the "marketplace" atmosphere of many other similar Fairs. It was a place for the New Age community to gather and refresh the spirit. It was successful for 15 years"
Edwin Meece ran it back then and now he has the Holistic Arts Fair and is held in many locations. Here's a link, if you are interested. We did a number of the events at San Jose City College and Rickey's Hyatt House (Palo Alto?) back in the late 90's, but people were more interested in psychics, etc.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Obama wants to tax your _ _ _es off.
Please people don't be fooled by him.
VOTE McCain/Sarah Palin
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Your Daily Dose
I have a new feature on my website and it's called 'The Daily Dose' were I will be placing my daily comments, etc., about shows, vendors, weather, promoters, what not and all kinds of stuff. Come on over and check it out, okay? I might put some of my entries on this blog also.
Sep 2, 2008. First entry for 'your daily dose.' That could sound like a dose of medicine? Something to make you laugh...cry? I was thinking about calling this 'Daily Ramblings' or a generic 'The Diary' but this title sounds best. Probably be entries every day or probably not. Come on people, let's get 'your daily dose.' Just hope that our dose won't be a couple tablets of Prozac or something.
I can't believe that we are already into September and I've been waiting all year for the shows to pick up and I concede. Wait til next year (I'm a Boston Red Sox fan...I know what 'wait til next year means'.... all the way from 1957 until 2004, we all said that, sometimes in jest...mostly seriously, though) . I think a lot of us have to stay away from the events with high fees and need to cut out a lot of traveling.
Never thought that I would resort to local Flea Markets, where people expect you to sell your stuff at bottom dollar. But what it all boils down to is the Net Profit and I feel that if I can come even close to what I would make in an event (minus travel, motel, booth fees, BS fees, time spent on the road, etc.) then they are worth doing. Already this summer, I've seen a lot of empty space at shows and that will continue through next year.
It's kind of funny that there are some pretty bad events early in the year and they get a 'packed house' (vendors) for them. We all get 'Spring Fever' and think that it's a brand new year and everybody is excited to get on with the shows after (or even during) the rains. Some really bad shows in Feb-Mar-April.... Ripon, Manteca, etc. There are some shows that really can capitalize on that. As the year draws on though, reality sets in. SameOlS.
Labor Day Weekend Events
Hi people. There were a number of events this past weekend and I was wondering how everybody/anybody did? Lake Tahoe? Newman? Art and Soul? Casa de Fruta? others? Go ahead and give me your comments on these. We had quite a number of people at Casa de Fruta on Sunday and Monday also. However, I don't think that a lot of vendors did too well. Poor sales....especially on Monday.
This next weekend we (DandL CREATIONS) will be doing the Pittsburg Seafood Festival for the first time. We haven't been able to do this in the past because of conflicts in our schedule. Nice to stay pretty much local..... trying to reduce gas and motel expenses. Just wish some of these promoters could keep their booth fees down. I know that in a lot of shows, vendors are waiting until the last moment possible to sign up and/or make their payments. That includes me also.
It was good ol' Cup of Noodles Monday.