Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What your 'oil money' has bought them!

This is going to be a regular feature on the blog. I want you people to see for yourself what a lot of the money you are paying for gas (oil, etc.) is going toward in the country of Dubai. It has to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but has to be despised by the Western World. I guess one billion dollars to them is like a million to this country? That's what it seems. They do not care about how much this stuff costs. People, this is not something out of Star Wars or come computer-generated image. This is real. This stuff is really there. Google 'Dubai' sometime. You will be amazed (and pissed). I will have more on this city as time goes along. In the meantime, to see what is on the blog, look just below and 'click' on the word 'Dubai' and you'll see all I have posted for this.
This might just be 'Paradise' but none of us can afford going there, that's for sure.

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