Monday, July 7, 2008

Mt. Shasta 4th of July Celebration

Sunday ended up being quite slow. Very few people showed up and vendors were sitting around with empty booths and poor sales. Don't know what you could do to bring people in. I guess everybody came around on Friday (the 4th). The main street booths were set up on Saturday morning and I imagine that people came over to see them; perhaps many returning from Friday and we did get a 'trickle' over.

Not too many tourists over the weekend and we all know why. In case you are interested, gas prices in and around town were approximately $4.67 per gallon.

Sunday seemed like a completely different show. Temperatures are beginning to warm up in the area and on Sunday, it was probably in the low-mid 90's. Expected temperatures on Tues/Wed....107 degrees- a real scorcher. Glad to be out of there that. I don't want any part of that!! Last year it got up to 110 degrees, but I guess the people in this area are used to it.

There's a lot of people who have re-located to this area and I suppose that life is a lot more pleasant, healthier, etc., than in the San Francisco Bay Area. But I just don't know about that hot weather in the summer and of course, the snow and cold in the winter. They have four seasons up here and I am sure that it is very beautiful during the winter. But it's not for me. I'll just stick it out in the Bay Area for a few more years and probably head up to Oregon, where it's not so expensive. Still looking for paradise... it's not here... be we are getting closer!!!

We've all gone to Vegas, of course and had to deal with the high temperatures there. But you are indoors most of the time but when you walk outside, a blast-furnace of hot air hits you in the face. I can not understand why somebody would move to a place like Lake Havasu and deal with those 115-120 degree temperatures. For snow-birds that would be nice for them during the winter, but summertime? You can have it.

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