Thursday, July 10, 2008

More bad news on 14th Annual Fil-Am Fesitval in Daly City

I was going to leave this topic alone because it's over and done with. But I really do not like the way one of the promoter lady's (the same white lady that was somewhat abusive toward me on Saturday) handled a situation terribly with another vendor and I was just made aware of this confrontation tonight. This show has problems, people.

My friend was located on the far side of the event and the 'workers' had placed one of the covers between his space and his neighbor. The cover was flapping consistently back and forth into his booth from the wind and created a bad atmosphere for this gentleman and his mother. He mentioned this to the lady, who's blunt reply was, "You will just have to deal with it." Now what kind of response is this!! This person was also told that the canopies would be better secured at night (because wind gusts almost toppled a couple areas), but they never were. Come to think of it, I was told the same thing, but I left on Saturday because we display was all screwed up because of the winds and because there was no security.

Please read previous entries I made regarding this event.

Now, I do not know this lady's name and I don't really care, but I am telling of our experiences and I want to make a point and give some advice. I was going to let this go, but I am rather perturbed over this. This is a Filipino event and I have had great success in my dealings with this fine organization. They are so nice and very cordial. But then you have these two white lady's walking around with frowns on their faces so tense, that I am afraid that their faces would crack if they tried to smile. I am white, myself, but if people of my color are going to act like that, then they should just stay away and let the Filipino's take charge. You should be ashamed talking to people so bluntly.

My advice for the show? You already can figure my first idea. Yah. I'm not returning, so do what you want next year. Also, my booth was situated far off in the distance amongst non-profit organizations and did not draw the traffic flow that some other people did. If you weren't interested in hospital plans, etc., then you never made it over to my spot. I am retail...I was the only retail in that entire row. Retail/commercial/arts & crafts vendors should be clustered in one section where people could shop. Also, you could demonstrate your concern for the vendors by then providing security for us. You charge each vendor $10-$20 for the security or whatever and also, allow the vendors to use their own canopies and setups instead of forcing them to use canopies which somebody is making a hefty, sneaky profit on.

That's all I have to say about this show and I do not expect to hear of any more problems experienced by my fellow vendors at this event. However, if I will definitely be the third person to know.

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