Thursday, July 17, 2008

In Winchester Bay.

July 17. After spending the night in an RV parking lot, we drove over to our space at 8:30 and began setting up. The weather was cloudy with temps in the mid-60's and cloudy. There were occasional winds off and on throughout the day.

We set up our canopy with all our grids, etc. To weigh it down even more, I placed 3 cinder blocks alongside 3 of the legs. I filled up 5 of our buckets/containers with water and placed them next to the other legs and tied them up. It is highly important for people here to secure their canopies because the winds do get pretty strong. Last week, they had winds of 50 MPH. This is the windiest place we have ever had a show in.

We took our time setting up taking about 8 hours. We had our motor home in front, so we were able to rest occasionally and eat, etc.

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